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Date: Mon, 5 Jun 95 11:29 BST-1
From: snouty@cix.compulink.co.uk (Phil South)
Subject: Re: tintoy and reflections
To: lightwave@webcom.com
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> A reflection map. I think this was posted previously, but maybe on the
> newsgroup...I know I saw it somewhere. What was done was to create a
> solid black image with four white squares on it (somewhere). When used as
> a reflection map, you get that traditional "window-shaped lights reflected
> off a shiny object" look. :-) This also looks good on balloons,
> bubbles, etc.
> Justin
> Free Spirit Productions
This may be a repetition of a previous thread, but you could also replicate
a soft box lighting rig, a "window-lite", by simply putting a big white
square slightly off centre in a black screen, and then every shiny object
which reflects it will have the requisite square highlight.